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[卡片资讯] tcg803资料 GBLZ

发表于 2013-1-16 12:20:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CBLZ-EN000 Noble Arms - Caliburn Super Rare Equip Spell Card
高贵武器-石中剑  面闪  装备魔法
CBLZ-EN001 Dododo Bot Common 19700943 Effect Monster
怒怒怒机器人   平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN002 Gogogo Ghost Common 56105047 Effect Monster
隆隆隆幽灵     平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN003 Tasukeleton Common 82593786 Effect Monster
援护小猪骨     平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN004 Amarylease Common 18988391 Effect Monster
牲祭孤挺花     平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN005 ZW - Lightning Blade Rare 45082499 Effect Monster
ZW-雷神猛虎剑  银字  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN006 ZW - Tornado Bringer Rare 81471108 Effect Monster
ZW-风神云龙剑  银字  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN007 ZW - Ultimate Shield Common 18865703 Effect Monster
ZW-玄武绝对圣盾平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN008 Gagaga Clerk Super Rare 44250812 Effect Monster
我我我应援员 克拉克  面闪  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN009 Spear Shark Common 70655556 Effect Monster
长枪鲨       平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN010 Two-Head Shark Common 17643265 Effect Monster
双头鲨       平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN011 Xyz Remora Common 43138260 Effect Monster
超量印头鲨   平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN012 Ancient Shark Hyper Megalodon Rare 10532969 Effect Monster
古代鲨 超巨齿鲨    银字  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN013 Heraldic Beast Basilisk Rare 56921677 Effect Monster
纹章兽 巴希里斯克  银字  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN014 Heraldic Beast Eale Common 82315772 Effect Monster
纹章兽 大气双角兽   平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN015 Heraldic Beast Twin-Head Eagle Rare 19310321 Effect Monster
纹章兽 双头鹰       银字  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN016 Heraldic Beast Unicorn Common 45705025 Effect Monster
纹章兽 独角兽      平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN017 Heraldic Beast Leo Rare 82293134 Effect Monster
纹章兽 雄狮       银字  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN018 Garbage Ogre Common 18698739 Effect Monster
垃圾食人魔         平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN019 Garbage Lord Common 44682448 Effect Monster
垃圾领主           平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN020 Orbital 7 Super Rare 71071546 Effect Monster
轨道 7            面闪  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN021 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawk Common 17475251 Effect Monster
英炎星-雄鹰霍克     平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN022 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven Common 44860890 Effect Monster
捷炎星-幻鸦赛文     平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN023 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla Rare 70355994 Effect Monster
勇炎星-火凰燕翔    银字  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN024 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear Ultra Rare 06353603 Effect Monster
暗炎星-炎熊尤希    金闪/立体闪    效果怪物
CBLZ-EN025 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon Super Rare 43748308 Effect Monster
微炎星-炎龙师晋    面闪  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN026 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake Super Rare 75132317 Effect Monster
雄炎星-焰蛇绫      面闪  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN027 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow Super Rare 02521011 Effect Monster
威炎星-飞燕夏克    面闪  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN028 Haze Beast Cerberus Common 38525760 Effect Monster
阳炎兽 萨贝拉斯    平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN029 Haze Beast Gryps Common 74010769 Effect Monster
阳炎兽 格里普斯    平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN030 Haze Beast Spinx Common 01409474 Effect Monster
阳炎兽 斯皮恩科斯   平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN031 Haze Beast Peryton Rare 37803172 Effect Monster
阳炎兽 佩利特恩    银字  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN032 Mermail Abyssdine Super Rare 74298287 Effect Monster
水精鳞-深渊迪奈     面闪  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN033 Mermail Abyssnose Common 00282886 Effect Monster
水精鳞-深渊诺兹    平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN034 Mermail Abyssleed Secret Rare 37781520 Effect Monster
水精鳞-利德深渊皇  斜碎  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN035 Fool of Prophecy Super Rare 63175639 Effect Monster
魔导化士 玛特    面闪  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN036 Reaper of Prophecy Super Rare 09560338 Effect Monster
魔导冥士 拉莫尔   面闪  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN037 Prominence Knight Rare 36569343 Effect Monster
红炎骑士      银字  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN038 Inaribi Common 62953041 Effect Monster
稻荷火      平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN039 Valkyrie Knight Super Rare 99348756 Effect Monster
女武神骑士      面闪  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN040 Pyrorex the Elemental Lord Secret Rare 35842855 Effect Monster
炎灵神 派洛雷克斯   斜碎  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN041 Flame Mech - Shiryu Common 61231400 Effect Monster
炎神机-紫龙   平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN042 Leontaurus Common 98225108 Effect Monster
人狮兽        平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN043 Aster Drawn Short Print 24610207 Effect Monster
星抽宝宝    平卡  效果怪物

CBLZ-EN044 Red Duston Short Print 61019812 Effect Monster
红尘妖      平卡  效果怪物
CBLZ-EN045 Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon Ultra Rare 97403510 Xyz Monster
No.92 偽骸神龍 Heart-eartH Dragon  金闪/立体闪 /全息   xyz怪物
CBLZ-EN046 Number 53: Heart-eartH Ultra Rare 23998625 Xyz Monster
No.53 伪骸神 Heart-eartH     金闪/立体闪     xyz怪物
CBLZ-EN047 ZW - Leo Arms Ultra Rare 60992364 Xyz Monster
ZW-兽王狮子武装          金闪/立体闪     xyz怪物
CBLZ-EN048 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King Ultra Rare 96381979 Xyz Monster
魁炎星王-宗师魂虎      金闪/立体闪     xyz怪物
CBLZ-EN049 Haze Beast Basilicock Rare 23776077 Xyz Monster
阳炎兽 火炎鸡巴基里    银字 xyz怪物
CBLZ-EN050 Mermail Abysstrite Super Rare 59170782 Xyz Monster
水精鳞-深渊特里提       面闪  xyz怪物
CBLZ-EN051 Diamond Dire Wolf Secret Rare 95169481 Xyz Monster
恐牙狼 钻石狼          斜碎   xyz怪物
CBLZ-EN052 Lightning Chidori Ultra Rare 22653490 Xyz Monster
電光千鳥            金闪/立体闪     xyz怪物
CBLZ-EN053 Shyneet Magician Rare 58058134 Xyz Monster
闪光魔术师              银字    xyz怪物
CBLZ-EN054 Zerozelock Common 85446833 Continuous Spell Card
零式防护                平卡    永续魔法
CBLZ-EN055 Gagagadraw Super Rare 21831848 Normal Spell Card
我我我抽卡             平卡    通常魔法
CBLZ-EN056 Xyz Double Back Common 57836546 Quick-Play Spell Card
超量双壁回归           平卡    速攻魔法
CBLZ-EN057 Reborn Heraldry Rare 84220251 Normal Spell Card
苏生纹章           银字    通常魔法
CBLZ-EN058 Fire Formation - Tensu Common 10719350 Continuous Spell Card
炎舞-「天枢」          平卡    永续魔法
CBLZ-EN059 Fire Formation - Tenki Common 57103969 Continuous Spell Card
炎舞-「天玑」          平卡    永续魔法
CBLZ-EN060 Haze Pillar Common 83108603 Continuous Spell Card
阳炎柱                平卡    永续魔法
CBLZ-EN061 Abyss-scale of the Cetus Common 19596712 Equip Spell Card
深渊铠甲-盖托斯        平卡    装备魔法
CBLZ-EN062 Spellbook of the Master Secret Rare 56981417 Normal Spell Card
赛菲尔的魔导书         斜碎    通常魔法
CBLZ-EN063 Disorderly March Common 82386016 Normal Spell Card
混乱的行进          平卡    通常魔法
CBLZ-EN064 Charging Emperor Common 19870120 Continuous Spell Card
进击的帝王          平卡    永续魔法
CBLZ-EN065 Quick Booster Ultra Rare 45869829 Quick-Play Spell Card
速攻魔力增幅器     金闪/立体闪     速攻魔法
CBLZ-EN066 Vestige of the War Common 82263578 Normal Spell Card
战火的残留物            平卡    通常魔法
CBLZ-EN067 Exhibitional Goblin Short Print 44046281 Continuous Spell Card
哥布林杂耍艺人          平卡    永续魔法
CBLZ-EN068 Dimension Gate Common 71541986 Continuous Trap Card
次元之门             平卡    永续陷阱
CBLZ-EN069 Xyz Dimension Splash Common 71541986 Normal Trap Card
超量次元闪现          平卡    通常陷阱
CBLZ-EN070 Heraldry Change Common 17536995 Normal Trap Card
纹章变换             平卡    通常陷阱
CBLZ-EN071 Fire Formation - Tensen Common 44920699 Continuous Trap Card
炎舞-「天璇」          平卡    永续陷阱
CBLZ-EN072 Fire Formation - Tenken Common 70329348 Continuous Trap Card
炎舞-「天权」          平卡    永续陷阱
CBLZ-EN073 Ultimate Fire Formation - Seito Rare 06713443 Normal Trap Card
极炎舞-「星斗」        银字     通常陷阱
CBLZ-EN074 Haze Glory Common 43708041 Continuous Trap Card
阳炎光轮             平卡    永续陷阱
CBLZ-EN075 Abyss-scorn Common 79206750 Normal Trap Card
深渊触手             平卡    通常陷阱
CBLZ-EN076 Spike Shield with Chain Common 06691855 Normal Trap Card
附锁链的尖盾          平卡    通常陷阱
CBLZ-EN077 Xyz Tribal Common 32086564 Continuous Trap Card
超量式争抢            平卡    永续陷阱
CBLZ-EN078 Breakthrough Skill Ultra Rare 78474168 Normal Trap Card
突破技能               金闪/立体闪   通常陷阱
CBLZ-EN079 Jurrac Impact Common 05479217 Normal Trap Card
朱罗纪冲击           平卡    通常陷阱
CBLZ-EN080 Rebuke Short Print 31863912 Continuous Trap Card
出场失败              平卡    永续陷阱

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-16 12:20:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 紫炎 于 2013-1-16 17:28 编辑

CBLZ-EN081 Noble Knight Medraut Secret Rare Effect Monster
高贵骑士 毛德列         斜碎    效果怪物
This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field. While equipped with a "Noble Arms" Equip Spell Card, this card becomes an Effect Monster with these effects.
● This card becomes DARK and its Level is increased by 1. Once per turn, if you control no other monsters: You can Special Summon 1 "Noble Knight" monster from your Deck in face-up Defense Position, except "Noble Knight Medraut", and if you do, destroy 1 Equip Spell Card you control.
●这张卡变成暗属性,等级上升一。一回合一次,场上没有其他怪物:你可以从卡组特殊召唤“高贵骑士 毛德列”以外的一只高贵骑士,之后破坏自己的一张装备魔法卡。

CBLZ-EN082 Haze Beast Manticore Rare   Effect Monster
阳炎獣  蝎尾师         银字     效果怪物
This face-up card cannot be targeted by your opponent's card effects. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can send 1 FIRE monster from your hand or side of the field to the Graveyard, except this card; this turn, this card cannot be destroyed by card effects.
CBLZ-EN083 Mermail Abyssteus Ultra Rare Effect Monster
水精鳞    深渊蒂斯   金闪/立体闪    效果怪物
You can discard 1 other WATER monster to the Graveyard; Special Summon this card from your hand. When you do: Add 1 Level 4 or lower "Mermail" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Mermail Abyssteus" once per turn.

CBLZ-EN084 Bonfire Colossus Secret Rare Effect Monster
篝火巨人        斜碎        效果怪物
If you control a FIRE monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). When this card is Special Summoned: Target 2 FIRE monsters you control; destroy those targets.
CBLZ-EN085 Mystic Fairy Elfuria Secret Rare Effect Monster
神秘巫女     Elfuria    斜碎    效果怪物
Once per turn: You can reveal 1 WIND monster in your hand; until your opponent's next End Phase, neither player can Xyz Summon using Xyz Material with a different Level than the revealed monster.
高贵骑士 阿托利格斯   金闪/立体闪     xyz怪物
2 Level 4 "NobleKnight" monsters
When this card is Xyz Summoned: You can target up to 3"NobleArms" Equip Spell Cards with different names in your Graveyard; equip those targetsto this card. Once per turn: You can detach 1 XyzMaterial from this card: destroy Spell/Trap Cardson the field, up to the number of "Noble Arms"Equip Spell Cards you control.

CBLZ-EN087 Demon of the Infernal Flame Rare  ??? Xyz Monster
地狱火焰恶魔        银字     xyz怪物
2 Level 4 Pyro Type monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; it gains 500 ATK until your opponent's next End Phase. When this card with 2500 or more ATK is destroyed: Target 3 monsters in the Graveyard(s); banish those targets.
CBLZ-EN088 Spell Wall Common  ??? Normal Spell Card
魔法墙      平卡    通常魔法
Apply 1 of these effects. Your opponent takes no damage this turn.
● This turn, the Summons of Spellcaster-Type monsters cannot be negated, and when a Spellcaster-Type monster is Summoned, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects.
● Target 1 face-up Spellcaster-Type monster on the field; if it attacks this turn, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step.
● 这回合,魔法使用族的怪物召唤,反转召唤,特殊召唤不会被无效,当魔法使用族的怪物召唤,反转召唤,特殊召唤成功时,对手不能发动卡或卡的效果。
CBLZ-EN089 Kickfire Secret Rare Continuous Trap Card
踢火         斜碎         永续陷阱
Once per turn, when a face-up FIRE monster(s) you control is destroyed by a card effect, place 1 counter on this card for each destroyed FIRE monster. During either player's Standby Phase: You can send this card to the Graveyard; inflict 1000 damage to your opponent for each counter on this card.
CBLZ-EN090 Crimson Sunbird Common 46696593 Fusion Monster
紅陽鳥     平卡        融合怪物
CBLZ-EN091 Ignition Beast Volcannon Common 10365322 Fusion Monster
起爆獣   火神炮龙       平卡  融合怪物
CBLZ-EN092 Sacred Knight Joan Rare 18426196 Effect Monster
圣骑士   简       银字   效果怪物
CBLZ-EN093 Crimson Blader Rare 80321197 Synchro Monster
深红剑士         银字    同调怪物
CBLZ-EN094 Infernity Archer Rare 18724123 Effect Monster
永火弓手          银字    效果怪物
CBLZ-EN095 Blackwing - Gladius the Midnight Sun Rare 18724123 Effect Monster
黑羽-白夜之短剑鸟     银字    效果怪物
CBLZ-EN096 Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night Rare 58131925 Effect Monster
黑羽-极夜之大马士革刀鸟   银字    效果怪物
CBLZ-EN097 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince Super Rare 74168099 Synchro Monster
炎星侯-马信              面闪    同调怪物
CBLZ-EN098 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit Rare 01662004 Tuner Monster
炎星师-张天               银字    效果怪物
CBLZ-EN099 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Lion Emperor Super Rare 37057743 Xyz Monster
炎星皇-晁狮              面闪    同调怪物
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